Curious About the Results Achieved by Mai? Read On!

  Highlighting Mai's Achievements in the Fit Eat Joy Community Mai, 45 years old, living in Australia, has transformed her health and physique dramatically through the Fit Eat Joy community. Let's dive into her inspiring journey and the results she has achieved. Mai's Journey and Success with Fit Eat Joy Hi everyone, I'm Mai, 45 years old, with a waistline of 59 cm, currently living in Australia. Over the past three years, I've been part of the Fit Eat Joy community, where I've helped over 11,000 men and women of all ages transform their health and physique within 90 days without gym workouts, by enjoying delicious and nutritious food through the TRME Mai Úc program. 🏅 My Achievements: Educational Background: Two Master's degrees (Foreign Trade University in Hanoi and Australian National University - awarded an Australian Government Scholarship) Professional Recognition: World's best TR90 body coach, having helped over 11,000 people participate in th

Nguyen Huyen's Journey: A Transformative Year with Fit Eat Joy

 Nguyen Huyen's Remarkable Achievements

Reflecting on 2023, Nguyen Huyen shares a heartwarming conversation with her daughter: "Mom, this year, you were truly amazing." Throughout the year, Huyen embraced essential values such as choice, belief, desire, freedom, global reach, giving and receiving, gratitude, effort, and happiness.

Despite not frequently writing, Huyen consistently applied these principles to her passion for helping others achieve better health and beauty. Here's what she achieved in 2023:

  • Reached the prestigious Blue Diamond position and Team Elite status in her company.
  • Helped nearly 1,500 people join the Healthy and Beautiful Community without going to the gym.
  • Became the 18th person in Vietnam to achieve this level in the last 11 years.

Her Story

Nguyen Huyen recounts her journey:

"Farewell and thank you, 2023 ❤️❤️❤️

While talking with my daughter, I wanted to write this down! 'Mom, this year you were truly amazing.'

Throughout my posts, you've often seen me emphasize Choice, Belief, Desire, Freedom, Global Reach, Giving and Receiving, Gratitude, Effort, Happiness—all in one, despite not being a frequent writer. These values have been the core of my journey with my passion for helping others become healthier and more beautiful.

In 2023, my team and I consistently strived for eight months, achieving our goals and reaching the Blue Diamond position, then Team Elite—the highest honor in our company, helping nearly 1,500 people join the Healthy and Beautiful Community without going to the gym. I became the 18th person in Vietnam to achieve this in 11 years!

Am I happy? Absolutely! As a mother of three, I've experienced life's ups and downs and sometimes lost sight of my dreams due to limiting beliefs. I hesitated to join this work at the end of 2020, but I realized this is the job I love, the environment I desire, and the place I belong.

I embraced this work with innocence and effort, knowing I made the right Choice. Effort alone isn't enough to achieve what you want if your choice isn't right.

I'm grateful for the chance to meet Mai Trinh and my mentor Nguyen Thi Quynh Anh, as well as all my teammates and clients ❤️❤️.

Many jobs offer good opportunities, but this one gave me what I deeply desired: 

✅ A career that doesn't compromise health or family conditions for success. 

✅ The freedom to work in my own way and with people I cherish. 

✅ Opportunities to meet, learn from, and help many people. 

✅ The income I dreamed of, allowing me to take better care of my parents, provide for my children, and do the good deeds I wish for. 

✅ The flexibility to work from Vietnam and travel worldwide—France, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, the Czech Republic... 

✅ Traveling with loved ones. 

✅ Learning from the best. 

✅ Partnering with top-notch collaborators without needing huge capital.

Here, I've broken limiting beliefs—that wealth and success require exceptional academic achievements. My experiences have made me confident to set new goals and continuously strive to help others succeed because we have the formula!


Welcome, 2024 with Faith and Desire. Join our team to let the Happy Team help you achieve a Happy Life!"

Join the Fit Eat Joy Community

Are you inspired by Nguyen Huyen's transformation? You too can achieve incredible results with the Fit Eat Joy community! Join us and enjoy these amazing benefits:

  • Be healthy and beautiful without going to the gym.
  • Enjoy delicious food and achieve a slim figure.
  • Lose weight and build muscle.
  • Eat everything you love, skip the gym, and still reduce fat while gaining muscle.
  • Learn how to reduce 11 cm from your waist in just 30 days.
  • Shed fat like never before with a balanced, nutritious diet and no gym.
  • Join the 90-day program for delicious meals, full nutrition, and no gym.
  • See significant changes in just a short period, transforming your body.
  • Feel like a completely different person within days.
  • Sustainable and practical self-love through healthy eating habits.
  • Discover the secrets of a slim waist without restrictive diets or intense workouts.

Transform your life with us! Join the free Fit Eat Joy community today and start your journey to a healthier, happier you!


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