Curious About the Results Achieved by Mai? Read On!


Highlighting Mai's Achievements in the Fit Eat Joy Community

Mai, 45 years old, living in Australia, has transformed her health and physique dramatically through the Fit Eat Joy community. Let's dive into her inspiring journey and the results she has achieved.

Mai's Journey and Success with Fit Eat Joy

Hi everyone,

I'm Mai, 45 years old, with a waistline of 59 cm, currently living in Australia. Over the past three years, I've been part of the Fit Eat Joy community, where I've helped over 11,000 men and women of all ages transform their health and physique within 90 days without gym workouts, by enjoying delicious and nutritious food through the TRME Mai Úc program.

🏅 My Achievements:

  • Educational Background: Two Master's degrees (Foreign Trade University in Hanoi and Australian National University - awarded an Australian Government Scholarship)
  • Professional Recognition: World's best TR90 body coach, having helped over 11,000 people participate in the TR90 program

🌟 My Passion:

I am passionate about helping families and individuals live healthier lives:

  • 💪 Reduce fat and build muscle (weight gain/loss/maintenance), firm up
  • 💪 Achieve a 1-1 waist ratio and six-pack abs through a program for busy people - TR90, 90 days without going to the gym but eating nutritious, correct, and flexible meals to reduce fat and build muscle.

Results from the TR90 Program:

During the Covid pandemic in May 2020, when gyms were closed, I joined the TR90 program and achieved:

  • Waist Reduction: From 68 cm to 59 cm
  • Weight Loss: From 48 kg to 45 kg
  • Physical Transformation: Firmer abs and better skin

Achievements Over the Past Three Years:

As of March 27, 2024, my team and I have helped:

  • Weight Loss Record: Nguyen Luu lost 36 kg in nearly 9 months (from 95.2 kg to 59 kg), guided by Bui Que Quyen
  • Weight Gain Record: Le Thi Cam Van gained 5 kg with a waist of 58 cm, advised by me

Proud Contributions:

  • Team Elite Nguyen Huyen 1979: Lost 9 kg, now 50 kg, 1.61 m tall
  • Team Elite DangDong Tran 1984: Reduced waist from 69 cm to 59 cm, joined on November 23, 2020

Career and Academic Accomplishments:

  • Current Role: Executive assistant to a world-renowned professor and principal of one of the best universities in Australia
  • Former Position: Chief executive officer for the Israeli Ambassador in Australia
  • Teaching Experience: English teacher to over 1K students via Zoom
  • Academic Excellence: Alumni of Foreign Trade University in Hanoi (K36), with excellent grades and an average score of 8.46, and a Master’s degree from Australian National University (ANU), ranked in the top 15% of best students at ANU, on an Australian Government ADS scholarship

Together with VTC television producer DangDong Tran, I co-founded the FOREVER YOUNG Group with over 12,000 members. The formula for success in this journey is being real, very real, and honest, and generously giving, you will receive generous rewards and heartfelt thanks.

Join the Fit Eat Joy Community and Transform Your Life!

If you are inspired by my journey and want to experience similar results, join the Fit Eat Joy community today. Here are some of the amazing benefits you will enjoy:

  • Health and Beauty Without the Gym: Achieve a slim figure while enjoying delicious food.
  • Weight Loss and Muscle Gain: Learn how to reduce 11 cm from your waist in just 30 days.
  • No Restrictive Diets or Intense Workouts: Shed fat like never before with a balanced, nutritious diet.
  • 90-Day Program: Enjoy delicious meals, full nutrition, and no gym.
  • Quick and Sustainable Results: See significant changes in a short period, transforming your body and feeling like a completely different person within days.
  • Practical Self-Love: Sustainable and practical self-love through healthy eating habits.
  • Secret to a Slim Waist: Discover the secrets of a slim waist without restrictive diets or intense workouts.

Transform your life with us! Join the free Fit Eat Joy community today and start your journey to a healthier, happier you. 🌟


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