Curious About the Results Achieved by Mai? Read On!

  Highlighting Mai's Achievements in the Fit Eat Joy Community Mai, 45 years old, living in Australia, has transformed her health and physique dramatically through the Fit Eat Joy community. Let's dive into her inspiring journey and the results she has achieved. Mai's Journey and Success with Fit Eat Joy Hi everyone, I'm Mai, 45 years old, with a waistline of 59 cm, currently living in Australia. Over the past three years, I've been part of the Fit Eat Joy community, where I've helped over 11,000 men and women of all ages transform their health and physique within 90 days without gym workouts, by enjoying delicious and nutritious food through the TRME Mai Úc program. 🏅 My Achievements: Educational Background: Two Master's degrees (Foreign Trade University in Hanoi and Australian National University - awarded an Australian Government Scholarship) Professional Recognition: World's best TR90 body coach, having helped over 11,000 people participate in th

Dinh Ha Giang’s Joyful Summer Transformation


Dinh Ha Giang, a busy 30-year-old mother and manager at an auditing firm, has had an incredibly joyful and fulfilling summer. By following a simple and effective routine, she managed to lose 7 kg and 12 cm off her waist, all without hitting the gym. Here’s her inspiring story.

Dinh Ha Giang’s Story:

This summer has been filled with simple joys and happiness for me. As a busy 30-year-old mother and a manager at an auditing firm, I’ve been able to take care of myself in the following delightful ways:

  • Eating well without gym, ensuring all four essential nutrient groups
  • Light exercises for 30 minutes at home
  • Supplementing with vitamins and antioxidants

By gently following this routine, I lost 7 kg and 12 cm off my waist. Now, I confidently wear crop tops, thanks to the meticulous guidance I received.

Join Us:

Transform your life with us! Join the free Fit Eat Joy community today and experience a journey towards a healthier and more beautiful you, just like Dinh Ha Giang. By being part of our community, you will receive personalized guidance and support from our dedicated coaches and become part of a network of individuals committed to achieving their fitness goals through balanced nutrition and enjoyable eating habits. Don’t wait—start your transformation now! Enjoy delicious food, achieve a slim and toned body, and embrace a healthier lifestyle without the need for intense workouts. Join our 90-day program for significant body transformation and self-confidence. Your journey to a better you starts here!


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